Regular dental check-ups

Regular check-ups are important not just for any necessary treatment, but also get advice and support to help prevent oral disease.

  • Dental visits: 5 things you should know

    Regular checks are important for all mouths. Here are 5 key things you should know.
  • Dental services available

    In Victoria, people can go to a public or private dental clinic. Here are some of the main differences.
  • Consent

    Consent is required before a patient can have dental treatment.
  • Preparing for positive dental visits

    The dental clinic can be an environment that some people need time and support to get used to. Here are some ideas.
  • When should I call the dentist?

    Some simple things you can look out for when you support someone to care for their mouth.
  • Consider how you work

    Take a moment to reflect on what you currently do to support a person’s healthy mouth and body.